Event 8 – August 9, 2024 Results – Rancho Bernardo Inn GC, California

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We had a field 34 players last Friday, August 9, 2024.  Our tour stop was at the challenging The Rancho Bernardo Inn GC,  in Rancho Bernardo, CA.   The early morning weather was perfect  at 73 degrees with light  cloud cover  for our round.  The course recently reconditioned their greens so players had  no complaints on rolling their putts today on their beautiful greens.  Course management skills was a must to score well today, and a few players had their “A” game on display.  Inability to hit fairways and greens today will add strokes to one’s score  and will for sure expose imperfections in a player’s game.
STROKE PLAY – Our regular Low Gross / Low Net scoring will also be implemented and players will be competing in 4 flights.  Players who do not have an “official golf index” will be assigned a “flight” at the decision of our golf committee.

Most of the players in the field are all signed up for the 2024 season with our SCGA / GHIN / USGA  -Seacoast Christian GC organization.  If you are a player who is not a member of our club, you are welcome to join and begin your SCGA / GHIN experience with our club.  Just click on the membership or renew membership link below.  We plan a fun filled year of golf for our club members.  It is the golf committee’s  hope  that all of you will enjoy the friendly competition and year ending post season play which has been planned for all to enjoy.   Along this year’s golf journey with us, we also hope you create new bonds of friendship and camaraderie.
Posting Scores – all players are very much encouraged to use the GHIN APP  or posting website with at www.ghin.com and record their scores ASAP.  The updated system does recalculate your golf index daily.  Players are admonished to keep their index “UP TO DATE” by posting their scores.  If you look at the responsibilities of the player, there is a part that needs players to to their part.  Player who DO NOT post their scores can be subject to “PENALTY” round postings.  If you have any questions, please let the committee know.

“Post A Score”  will now be accomplished through GHIN.com and the USGA GHIN Mobile App where you will also have access to your stats, complete score history, Handicap Calculator, Golfer Lookup, and Handicap Card.

Keep in mind, that a GHIN Digital Profile is required to post scores on GHIN.com and through the USGA GHIN Mobile App. If you have not used GHIN.com or the GHIN Mobile App to post scores, you will need to use the “Create Profile” button to create your digital profile. It is easy to do and just takes a few minutes.

Here are some instructional videos to help you set up a GHIN Digital Profile if you have not done so already:



Download the USGA GHIN Mobile App Today!

Apple App Store Button

Google Play Store Button

Welcome to Newcomer/  Denny Sbarbaro  to our golf group!
 Denny who is retired, lives part time here in San Diego, and used to play with our group several years ago.  He is a dear fellow golfer and a great guy.  If you get to know him, you’ll be truly blessed.  Welcome back Denny !


A Big Congratulations to our Winners as some great golf was on display today. Here are the results.

Flight “A”  Low Gross  Winner:   Ted Clinite (77)

Flight  “B”  Low Gross Winner :  Xavier Mahdion (84)

Flight ” C”  Low Gross Winner:   Matt Cordero  (90)

Flight ” D”  Low Gross  Co -Winners:   Byron Dahle  (98) / Bill Miller (98)


Overall “Low Net” WinnerSteve Knorr (69)






Best Nine/ Net Skins / Pin Competition Holes





Group Photos

A big thanks for all of you guys who made sure you got your group photos done, and sent it to our media department for publishing.  Below are our group photos for the day !!

Today’s Major Event also included a “Match Play Card-Off” – Players would be paired up in “match play” and compete against the player who is next to them on the field “index” list.

Here are the matchups and results:



Recap Event 8 – Players got off early and took on the challenge of The Rancho Bernardo Inn GC.    Several players  came out with their “A” games and displayed golf  skills which allowed them to post low scores and gain “Major Points” to end their regular season on a positive note.  This course is tough enough and sometimes, just scoring “par” is a huge win.  Steve Knorr “Flight C”  came out today with a great front 9  which helped position himself to get LOW NET honors score of 69.   Way to go Steve !!    Xavier Mahdion  (“Flight B”) who’s made his “annual appearence” to one of our events with his “Principle” guys shot a “low gross” 84, which took 1st place honors in “Flight B.”  He also was able to win a couple of pin competition holes which enabled him to win 250 points for the day from this ONE event….nicely done Xavier !   Matt Cordero “Flight C”, also made some strides in earning “major points” today by winning his flight, plus winning his “Match Play – card off”…Matt started the day in 33rd place but jumped his standings to 21st place….way to go Matt !!

In our “Flight D”  Byron Dahle and Bill Miller took 1st place honors to add to their season totals… both players will be be tough contenders to win this year’s 2024 Seacoast Cup.  Both these gentlemen are in their senior citizen years (and beyond), yet they are ready to do battle with any of you younger golfers this year in the playoffs…so beware !!!

In our “Flight A” group, Ted Clinite has taken over the leaderboard, and sneaked in 230 points today to his totals.  His game is sound and ready to go deep into the playoffs this year.  Several others in that elite Flight A group are lurking and ready to battle it out over the next few months as we go into our 2024 Seacoast Cup Playoffs….honorable mentions are:  Ebin Smith and Ron O’Bard, who consistently post low scores and are ready to stir things up as we transition into the playoffs over the next several weeks.

We’re now  approaching EVENT 9 (August 23) which marks our first playoff event  as we move into our “Seacoast Cup Playoffs” in Mid-August.  There’s a large group of guys eager to activate their “A” game to play deep into this year’s playoffs.    Below is the calendar of events for the playoffs so you can plan accordingly.

Our “Post Season” playoffs are now here.  Event 9 is going to be ROUND 1 “Wild Card”  of our playoffs, and with our “Playoff Season”  format,  anyone can rack up playoff points to get to the next level.  We will be at Twin Oaks  GC, in San Marcos in less than 2 week.    Our playoff season has 2 events each month so study the schedule and points distribution carefully as it is posted below.  If you have any questions, please call or email Curtis Chan.


Our golf season is now transitioning into our ” Seacoast Cup –  Playoff Season”  and this is the time when players must activate their best golf game skills to make it deep into the playoffs.   The competition is fierce and every point counts.    If you are not familiar with how our playoff season works, please study the calendar below so you can understand how you can make it into the playoffs and perhaps be a candidate to hoist the trophy this year.

Scott Crockett

Our current 2023 Champion

How to earn “Playoff Points” – our same format will be played with Low Gross / Low Net with all remaining events.  The added feature to the playoffs is that each player will be matched up in “MATCH PLAY” to earn extra playoff points.  For Rounds 1 and Round 2, ALL players are able to participate to earn “Championship Points” that will be added to player’s season totals.    It is only when we get to the 3rd round of our playoffs, will the CUT line be established.  Those players who have sufficient points will to to the next round in the “Championship Bracket.”  All other players will continue to compete, but will compete in the “Player’s Brackets.”

Here’s the calendar of events for this year so you can plan accordingly.



USGA / GHIN – Membership Responsibilities “POSTING GOLF SCORES” – It is very important for all of us to have a good understanding of “golf handicap” and your “golf index” profile.   One of the elements of golf is the “integrity” of each player taking personal responsibility to post all qualified golf scores within 24 hours of date of play.   Your golf index is calculated daily and it is important to keep your golf profile as current as possible.  Failure to keep it current and NOT POSTING on a timely basis may be grounds for “penalty rounds” to be assessed.   If you have any difficulty or don’t completely understand the process, please visit the USGA learning center that explains via video all the info you need to know about “golf handicapping”

Player’s profiles and golf rounds are all subject be audited by the golf committee.  All players are required to “POST” their golf grounds ASAP as index ratings are calculated daily.  Please use Ghin.Com / or phone app to post your scores.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact

Curtis at  email: CurtisChanDDS@gmail.com  or Ted Clinite (handicap chairperson)  email:  tclinite@gmail.com

Next Event – Friday, August 23, 2024 – Twin Oaks  GC, San Marcos, CA     7:30a start      $79 per player includes range / cart


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