Event 8 – August 9, 2019 – Steele Canyon GC, Jamual, CA

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Seacoast Christian GC – August 9, 2019 – Steele Canyon GC




We had a full field of 19 players come out to play in the 8th Event of our Seacoast Christian GC season.  We were treated with amazing golf weather, as the 27 hole event took place.  Most of the players played all 3 nine courses to score as much points that were available to establish their playoff spot.

The Seacoast Christian Golf Club tournament committee determined that today’s “Major” competition would comprise a golf event challenge of combining all 27 holes of Steele Canyon GC,  into 2 golf score cards.  This golf course uniquely has 3 challenging 9 -hole courses:  Canyon, Ranch,  and Vineyard courses.  The morning 18 holes would constitute competition from the Ranch / Vineyard course.  For those players who stuck it out and play the Canyon nine course, the afternoon competition card would comprise of scores from the Canyon / Vineyard course.  Elevated points value would be available for gross and net placing, along with 10 points for “net skins” and 10 points for winners of long drives / closest to pins holes.

Welcome ! A big welcome to the guys from The Principle – Justin, Davy, Kurt and Scott  who came out to play with our group for the first time this year.

Big Congratulations to our Winners as some great golf was on display today. Here are the results which includes both competition cards:  Ranch / Vineyard     and    Canyon / Vineyard

Flight “A”  Low Gross Winner:   Ebin Smith (80)  / Ebin Smith (81)

Flight  “B”  Low Gross WinnerAlan Hoekstra (88)  /  Curtis Chan (90)

Flight ” C”  Low Gross Winner John Casey (93)  /  Tom Abrell (94)


Overall Low Net WinnersJohn Casey, Tom Abrell, Brian Carter (72)  / Ted Clinite (72)



Great Scoring – Our tournament committee likes to acknowledge those players who show their great skills at posting low scores and accuracy in managing their games.

Recap Event 8– We had 19 players brave the trip out to the East County San Diego / Jamul, California,  to take on the scenic and difficult course at Steele Canyon GC.   Golf skills of the highest degree are required to navigate and play this course.  The first 2 nines (Ranch / Vineyard) were played by all the field.  Thirteen players of the 19 who started, hung in there after 18 holes to take on the final challenging 9 holes of the Canyon course.   On the first 18 holes, Ebin Smith (flight A), Alan Hoekstra (flight B), and John Casey (flight C), all showed their skills at keeping the ball in play and minimizing their errors to keep their scores in check.  Many players found themselves saving double and triple bogies as they tried their best to play this difficult course.  Those players who put their “course management” skills hat on and mentally kept their cool today, were able to mitigate their problem holes and keep their score card in tact.  Somehow “if”  you posted a score card without a “triple” then you could say you had a good day….only Justin Frisco could make that statement!

Players shuffled around the course planning out shots, figuring out speed of greens, hoping to find a way to keep their balls in play, searching in lateral hazards for lost balls, but in the end, we all had a fun day.  All the frustrations, challenges, and disappointments that this game can provide, still doesn’t compare to the golf memories,  long time friendships, and time spent together on the golf course.

Next Event – Friday, August 23, 2019 – Encinitas Ranch GC /  7:30a start


2019 Seacoast Cup Championship Playoffs – This next event will start  our “Playoff Season.”    Top 20 Players are now gearing up for our “Match Play” playoff season, the road to the “Seacoast Cup Championship.”  There will be 2 events each month through the end of the year.  Playoff points will continue to be added to players season totals.  The posted 2019 Playoff Calendar will direct players as to which courses we will be playing.  Those players who are not part the “Championship Cup” bracket, will be playing the the “Players Cup” bracket which allows them to continue to compete in our events, and still earn points.  Player’s points totals will translate into potential golf prize / golf certificate opportunities at our finale “Breakfast of Champions” which is now actually a lunch after our round of golf on November 22, 2019, and when we crown our new Seacoast Christian GC  Champion.

Our Current Champion 2018 Winner – Paul Deveau




The Leader Board

Those players who came out today, and scored well, added much needed points to their season totals to take them up the leader board.  Some notables are:  Tom Abrell, who launched himself into the coveted “Top 4” position. Tom was seeded #15 at the beginning of the day, but by the end of today’s 27 -hole competition, Tom earned his ticket into the #4 spot !    Nick Pavle, who has been somewhat absent this year,  fully made use of his 2 appearances to our Seacoast events this year, and has scored enough points to barely squeeze into the 20th seeded spot (he began the day at T29 position).  Several players who have been “seasoned playoff players” over the years, took a pass on today’s competition, but still have kept their playoff hopes alive.  Kent Coykendall ( who was #1 before today), had to take a trip out to the great southern state of Tennesee and gave up his #1 seed reign.  Kent still is in the playoffs, but Ted Clinite has now taken over the top spot and will enjoy the #1 seeded spot.   The playoff picture looks good and there is plenty of opportunity for players to continue to move up the ladder on the leader board.  Especially  pay attention during the next round as a win (150 pts) and a great gross/net score showing can taken you up several spots, unseeding even a “Top 4” player.  For the next round “Its All About Point Totals” that will keep you in the hunt towards the Seacoast Championship Cup.

Note:  players who are not in the Top 20 may still even move into position, based on points totals.