Event 8 – August 3, 2018 Results – Riverwalk GC, San Diego, CA

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Seacoast Christian Golf Club,  August 3, 2018

News and Results – Event 8– Riverwalk Golf Club – Major Event – 27 holes of competion

Image result for riverwalk golf course

Welcome to the 8th Event of our 2018 Seacoast Cup Golf Tour.  This is our final regular season event, and the last of our “Major Events” which affords players to rack up “major points” to their season point totals.  We had a field of 22 players who came out to showcase their golf games and to see if they could solidify their spots for our post season “match play” competition that begins in September 2018.    The weather couldn’t have been any better as we were blessed with warm sunshine in 75-80 degree coastal temperatures.   What a nice day to be on the golf course !!

Welcome to the following player who who has joined our tour for the first time !  Chris Warren.. (friend of Bill Brackett).a long time member of our golf club, but first time showing up to our regular season competition….glad you can join in on our fun Chris !!!…  Welcome to our golf group !

Below are the results.  Congratulations to our winners:

Low Gross Winners  – Presidio /Mission Course

Flight A –  Ted Clinite  (74)

Flight B –  Rik Thistle (82)

Flight C – Tom Abrell (87)

Low Net Winner – Tom Abrell  (65)


Low Gross Winners  –  Mission / Friars  Course

Flight A –  Ted Clinite (78)

Flight B –  Rik Thistle (83)

Flight C –  Richard Mulligan (93)

Low Net Winners – Jay Brandenburg (62)




Next Event: Friday, September 7, 2018 – Encinitas Ranch  GC  –   7:03a start

Seacoast Cup 2018– This year will be filled with full of fun times on the golf course.  Monthly Friday events will be available for golf stroke play competition.  All players who have an office SCGA index will be place in respective flights to compete with players of their own golf playing ability / potential.  Players will earn points according to their placing in each event.  Two Major events will be available for a 27 hole competition (April / July)  where there will be an increased value in earned points.   September begins the “Playoff Season” where twenty players will earn their way to this year’s match play event.  Points are earned by finishing well in both individual low gross and low net score postings.  Also points may earned in different team and individual events ranging from match play, 4 man team best ball, and 2 man best ball events.  Net Skins are also another category that allows players to add points to their monthly points.

Remember only those players who have an Official SCGA or USGA golf index qualify for low net play and compete in Seacoast Christian Golf Club Points System.   Players who participate in our events who do not have an official golf index / handicap, will be assigned a “Flight” depending on their level of play.  These players also may be assigned a course handicap and may participate and qualify for team net play points. Players who desire to qualify for Seacoast Christian GC Playoffs, must be a member of our SCGA affiliate club.  For information on how to become a member and to obtain an official golf index contact Curtis Chan and visit : Membership and SCGA.  

2018 Calendar of Events – can be viewed at this link:  Seacoast Christian GC 2018 Events Calendar

Leader board – With the completion of our last Major event, the 27 hole competition at Riverwalk GC defined who was going to the playoffs with the chance at hoisting the 2018 Seacoast Cup.   Several players took advantage of the increased points values to gain points to their season totals.  A few players fell short of gaining ground up leader board and yielded to those players who played well and posted low scores.  In the end, 20 players are now qualified for our post season “Seacoast Match Play Playoffs” which will begin next month.   Several players in our field needed to play extraordinary well and rack up “major points” to solidify a spot into the playoffs.  Congratulations to Tom Lang and Scott Jordan for earning points to earn your spots.   Notable mentions are Jim Hopson  and Bill Brackett squeezed themselves above the Top 20 line and landed a spot by only a few points to compete in the Championship Bracket.  Tom Abrell brought out his “A” game and kept a steady round going to post a low net wining score of 65 on our first 18 holes.  Jay Brandenburg took his game to a new level and broke the 100 barrier to utlimately post a Low Net winning score of 62 on the last 18 holes.  Very Impressive Jay !!

Rik Thistle, continues to hold the top spot and showcased his “A” game to post low scores this past week to maintain his lead on the leader board.  Rik has now held the top position for several months with Ted Clinite climbing the ladder to be with Rik.  Several players took advantage of the “double” points Major Event opportunity and rose to the occasion to jump into the top levels of the competitive Top 20.    Several players came out to play, and earned enough points to solidify their Top 20 spot.  Richard Mulligan also kept his game under control to earn 240 points to take hold of the 4th place spot.   Jay Brandenburg went on a “out of body” golf experience and broke 100 and posted a low gross 94.  This is new territory for him and along the way he racked up several “Skins” to add many extra points to his totals.  He now will participate in our “Match Play” post season play.  Way to go guys and hopefully you’ll keep the momentum going through the next few months into our playoff season come September.  All you other players better get to the range and brush up on your “A” game skills to get ready for our next event.

Our next event is scheduled to be on Friday, September 7, 2018.   This will be our 1st Playoff event of the post season …”Top 20 Match Play”…   Here  300 points awaits those who can win their “match play” match.   After our next event, the “Top 16” will continue on into the playoff season.

SPECIAL NOTE: All players who are in the top 20 need to confirm their participation status so we can account for all the matches.  Any “Top 20” player who can not participate in our post season playoffs, will need to notify the tournament committee so that an alternate player can be allowed to take a playoff spot.  If there are special circumstances on your availability to play on Friday, September 1, please contact Curtis Chan ASAP.

Post Season Play – All  particpating event players who did not make it into the “Top 20” still will play in post season play in the “Player’s Bracket.”  So “playoff competition” is  still available to all who desire to have a fun time.


Seacoast Cup Playoff Season – (September – November).  If you have been playing in this golf group for over 7 years then you know that after August, our playoff season begins.  Match Play format is instituted for our rounds, in addition to our low gross/low net play.  With the added element of “match play,” players get to stir up their competitive juices and bring out their game faces to bring out the best golf they’ve ever played.   Many players have shown their “A” game, while others find how difficult it is to play golf when everything is on the line.

This year, the Golf Tournament Committee has reviewed the last few seasons and have instituted a few new elements to our “Playoff Season.”  If a player has sufficient points to be in the “Top 20” then he will qualify to participate in the Seacoast Cup – “Champions” bracket, which will determine our club champion.  Below is the playoff calendar of events.   Note that events will take place every 2 weeks until November.

  1. No more “Bye” weeks for our top 4 players. All players will continue to earn points in our playoff season. The “Top 20” and “Wild Card” rounds will take the top 20 and top 16 players (total points) respectively.  Your total points earned throughout the year will determine qualifications for “The Top 20 and Wild Card” playoff rounds.  This will allow players to possibly lose a match, but still continue in the playoffs if they have the points to sustain their level to be part of the top 16.  Only when we get to the Quarter Finals will there be eliminations for losing a match.
  2. Players will continue to reply back to event invite emails to obtain their spots for the event. If a “Top 20” player desires not to participate in an upcoming event, then the next seeded player (#19) will then be given the opportunity to play in the “Champions” bracket.
  3. “Match Play” points will have an increased value per playoff event. The deeper one goes into the playoffs, the more value for a match play win. For the “Top 20” and “Wild Card” events,  players who’s match ends in a TIE will split the earned points.  Tie matches in subsequent events will have a “tie-breaker” sudden death playoff…see below.
  4. “Player’s Cup Bracket” – for those who don’t qualify or have fallen out of the “Championship Cup” bracket, your points total will transfer into the “Player’s Bracket.” In the Player’s Bracket, players will be matched up with other players in the same bracket to have match play competition. Points will also be earned for Wins and Ties.   Value for Player’s Bracket wins are 250 points.  All Players who fall short of making it to the Semi-Final Championship bracket qualify for the “Player’s Bracket.”  There will be no TIE breakers for tie matches in the Player’s Bracket.  Points will be split between the two players.

note: TIES / Tie breakers:   For “Top 20” , “Wild Card” matches, Tie matches will have total points split between players.  In Quarter Finals / Semi Finals, “TIE” matches will continue by having players return a designated “drop area” (150 yard marker from hole) on the 18th hole for a sudden death playoff to determine winner.  In Championship Finals, TIE matches will be settled by returning to tee box #18 hole for sudden death playoff.