Event 4 – April 20, 2018 Results – Temecula Creek Inn GC

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Seacoast Christian Golf Club,  April 20, 2018

News and Results – Event 4– Temecula Creek Inn Resort GC

Welcome to the 4th Event of our 2018 Seacoast Cup Golf Tour.  Our players  assembled themselves to the inland golf course of Temecula Creek Inn…a gem of a course that has 27 holes of competitive golf.  The three 9 courses, Oaks, Stonehouse, and Creek courses were waiting for our field of players to experience the joys and sorrows of  inland competitive golf.   Each course had its own flavor and challenging nuances to add to the difficulties which made this course a 127 slope rating.   Some players fell into the hardship hole of golf blunders, while some players took to the challenge and pulled off some great low scores.   No matter what your score was, the day still brought in some great smiles with golf friends, and of course some majestic golf course views under the beautiful warm sunny southern California sunshine.    Remember, if you feel like you want to get back at this course to “conquer” it’s difficulties, our Summer Extravaganza event will return to this course this coming July 13-14, 2018.

Visit:  Summer Golf Extravaganza 2018


Welcome to the following player who who has joined our tour for the first time !   Mark Wayne…all the way from Texas….  Welcome to our golf group !


Below are the results.  Congratulations to our winners:

Low Gross Winners  – Oaks/Stonehouse Course

Flight A –  Adam Brand  (80)

Flight B –  Rik Thistle (85)

Flight C – Jeffery Schaefer (85)

Low Net Winner – Jeffery Schaefer (66)


Low Gross Winners  –  Stonehouse / Creek  Course

Flight A –  Ryan Alexander (83)

Flight B –  Rik Thistle (86)

Flight C – Jeffery Schaefer (91)

Low Net Winners – Ryan Alexander / Rik Thistle (69)




Next Event: Friday, May 4, 2018 – Encinitas Ranch  GC  – 

Seacoast Cup 2018– This year will be filled with full of fun times on the golf course.  Monthly Friday events will be available for golf stroke play competition.  All players who have an office SCGA index will be place in respective flights to compete with players of their own golf playing ability / potential.  Players will earn points according to their placing in each event.  Two Major events will be available for a 27 hole competition (April / July)  where there will be an increased value in earned points.   September begins the “Playoff Season” where twenty players will earn their way to this year’s match play event.  Points are earned by finishing well in both individual low gross and low net score postings.  Also points may earned in different team and individual events ranging from match play, 4 man team best ball, and 2 man best ball events.  Net Skins are also another category that allows players to add points to their monthly points.

Remember only those players who have an Official SCGA or USGA golf index qualify for low net play and compete in Seacoast Christian Golf Club Points System.   Players who participate in our events who do not have an official golf index / handicap, will be assigned a “Flight” depending on their level of play.  These players also may be assigned a course handicap and may participate and qualify for team net play points. Players who desire to qualify for Seacoast Christian GC Playoffs, must be a member of our SCGA affiliate club.  For information on how to become a member and to obtain an official golf index contact Curtis Chan and visit : Membership and SCGA.  

2018 Calendar of Events – can be viewed at this link:  Seacoast Christian GC 2018 Events Calendar


Leader board –  Rik Thistle, continues to hold the top spot and showcased his “A” game to post low scores this past week to maintain his lead on the leader board.  Nice shooting Rik !  Rik has now held the top position for two consecutive months.  Several players took advantage of the “double” points Major Event opportunity and rose to the occasion to jump into the top levels of the competitive Top 20.   Newsworthy players were:  Dr. Jeff Schaefer, who jumped from 2oth place to now #2 position..earning himself 270 points.  Ryan Alexander racked up 370 points to catapult himself to the #3 spot.   Dr. Adam Brand also fired up his game and and earned 310 points to take him from the 19th spot to now holding the 5th spot on the leader board.  Richard Mulligan also kept his game under control to earn 270 points to take hold of the 6th place spot.   Way to go guys and hopefully you’ll keep the momentum going through the next few months into our playoff season come September.  All you other players better get to the range and brush up on your “A” game skills to get ready for our next event.