Event 5 – May 5, 2017 Results – Arrowood GC

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Seacoast Christian GC,  May 5, 2017

News and Results – Event 5 – Arrowood GC 

Welcome to our 5th event of the  2017 Seacoast Cup Golf Tour.  Our May tour stop has taken us to the beautiful and challenging course at Arrowood GC, nestled in the hills of Oceanside, California.  Those of you who have played this course, all know that this course will definitely challenge and test your golf game to the core.  If you don’t get out of alignment, keep your cool, then you have a chance to score well.  But if you let your game get out of control both physically and mentally, and you find yourself looking for errant golf balls in the hazards, then you’ll end up writing big numbers on your scorecard.  Our field of players today came prepared, and many arrived one hour early, warming it up on the practice range and on the putting greens.

A big welcome to a returning player from a few years ago:  Richard Scott (Scottie)

Congratulations to our winners:

Low Gross Winners 

 Flight A –  Ted Clinite (73)

Flight B –  Rik Thistle   (83)

Flight C Will Chappelow  (92)


Low Net Winner – Ted Clinite  (61)


Here are the Results:




Next Event: Friday, June 2, 2016   Place:  Carmel Mountain Ranch GC

Quest for the 2017 Seacoast Cup– This year will be filled with full of fun times on the golf course.  Monthly Friday events will be available for golf stroke play competition.  All players who have an office SCGA index will be place in respective flights to compete with players of their own golf playing ability / potential.  Players will earn points according to their placing in each event.  Two Major events will be available for a 27 hole competition (April / July) where there will be an increased value in earned points.   September begins the “Playoff Season” where twenty players will earn their way to this year’s match play event.  Points are earned by finishing well in both individual low gross and low net score postings.  Additionally points may earned in different team and individual events ranging from match play, 4 man team best ball, and 2 man best ball events.  Net Skins are also another category that allows players to add points to their monthly points.

Remember only those players who have an Official SCGA or USGA golf index qualify for low net play and compete in Seacoast Christian Golf Club Points System.   Players who participate in our events who do not have an official golf index / handicap, will be assigned a “Flight” depending on their level of play.  These players also may be assigned a course handicap and may participate and qualify for team net play points. Players who desire to qualify for Seacoast Christian GC Playoffs, must be a member of our SCGA affiliate club.  For information on how to become a member and to obtain an official golf index contact Curtis Chan and visit : Membership and SCGA

Leader board –  Our May event has proven to be a turning point for several players as our mid-season golf event has catapulted a few guys into the top 10 positions.  Our leader, Ted Clinite, proved this month that he is worthy of reclaiming the cup and that his “A” game can conquer our monthly tour stops.  Ebin Smith (our current Seacoast Cup Champion 2016) rose to the occasion and earned enough points to place him back into the top 10, along with Peter Andrew, who passed up 5 players to take the #8 spot.  With still more golf events waiting to be played, there is plenty of time to tune up your game to come on out and earn points towards our playoff season (begins September).  Jim Freitas was able to capture 3 pin competitions with his great drives and ability to get his ball close to the par 3 pins.  Other noteables are Rik Thistle and Will Chappelow who both got their games in “the zone” and posted low rounds in their flights.  Nice shooting guys !!    This is one course that can get the best of you game.

Note:  Below is our events calendar for the remainder of the year.   note that the calendar has had a change  as there will no longer be a June 30 event which is now scheduled for July 21.  Our next event will be June 3.