2020 Extravaganza Photos

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This past weekend we had 28 brave golfers who came out to participate in our Annual Summer Golf Extravaganza.  We had record high temperatures for our event (105 + degrees), as our players had to go into “survival” mode.   Plenty of water was consumed to stay hydrated, and players all took to their own measures in staying cool and managing the intensive heat.  Over all, players were all well and intact as they gathered for the evening pizza dinner at the socially distancing patio of the Pizza Factory in Temecula.  Below are photos from the event.


2020 Photos Extravaganza

A great setting for Summer Golf Extravaganza – Journey at Pechanga / Temecula Creek Inn



Team 1 / Yool Hur / Ryan Alexander / AJ Bull / Jeff Schaefer


Team 2 /  Barrett Smith / Ebin Smith / Kent Coykendall / Van Coykendall  – Father Son Team !


Team 3 / Johnny Li / Jay Brandenburg / Rich Ringer / John Estill


Team 4 / Ryan Rosenbaum / Scott Tucker / Bret Herman / Jeff Dank


Team 5 / Curtis Chan / Paul Deveau / Ted Clinite / Kevin Barrett


Team 6 / John Casey / Ken Whitfield / Mike Yorkey / Geoff Baynes


Team 7  / Ross Mitchell/ Phil Weatherly /John Jensen /Miles Lawrence


 Ted Clinite – Hitting it close for a “tap in birdie”


Inspirational message from Ryan / Delicious Pizza & Salad Dinnera

Winning Team / Jeff Schaefer / Ryan Alexander / AJ Bull / Yool Hur – Congratulations !


Winning Individual Extravaganza Points Leader / Ryan Alexander (Right)



Extra Golf After the event

What a fun weekend of golf !!




Thanks for joining in on our fun !!!!







